Honestly, I get really excited with the dawn of every Tuesday because of you and the #AlrightsPassion. This is why, like other counselors and partners of The Alright’s Passion, I enjoy having #PrayingTuesday for you.

It’s my dream that you will have above average, knowledge, wisdom and understanding in romance matters. By 1st April, you’ll be able to buy my book ROMANCING LIKE GOD, aimed to help you romance better. And this edition of the #AlrightsPassion is aimed to prepare your mind for the book.

Basic knowledge about God’s purpose for sex and relationship is good, but ain’t good enough. God, and me, want you to know how to do relationship and marriage better. You can do and have it better.

You don’t have to go through the trial state. You don’t need “experience”; you need knowledge, wisdom and grace. I know you want to be the best bae/boo on earth but without hindsight and foresight, you can’t be it.

So today, I want to show you how you can LEARN AHEAD HOW TO ROMANCE. At #AlrightsPassion, we’re helping young people with sex and relationship issues through diverse means.

Experience is the best teacher; maybe for fools but definitely not for the wise. They know better. Wise people learn from the experienced. Wise people don’t seek to have personal bad experience(s).

In learning how to be a great spouse, in-law, I observed my family, other families and read a lot. I visited (and still visit) many families just to see how they do marriage and family.

Naturally, I love teens. Unnaturally, I love kids. So I have volunteered at Day-Cares to learn kids. I have read and I am still reading and gisting about how to raise and relate with kids. I think I am wise. I realized yesterday 29/2/2016 was an extra day in this year. So I volunteered at a crèche and it wasn’t fun and also not fun with those kids! I just need to master this mhen.

Someone told me he doesn’t do emotional things well and women-talk is always boring. He thought he was gay not knowing that every man LEARNS to enjoy a woman.

Ordinarily, apart from sex and just maybe the kitchen, men would prefer life without women. In fact, if men get the liberty to just have free sex, no marriage, most men would be single. And even if married, they would all most likely be polygamous. Women also have the same mindset.

Whether we like it or not, we all learn relationship and marriage from the world and people around us. My questions are: “what are you learning?” and “who are your learning from?”

Our parents ought to be our first tutors regarding sex, relationship and marriage, but most of them are failures. So, our first tutor on how relationship and marriage should be is God. Sorry, He doesn’t come down to give a home lesson, that’s why we have the Bible, then, the Holy Spirit.

Single or married, pick your Bible and learn to know how a relationship or marriage ought to work. Read Christian books by good and balanced authors on the subject matter. Attend programmes and get Christian audios on relationship and marriage and become a sponge; soak them in.

Hollywood and other woods aren’t relationship counsellors. They just mirror “society”. As a mirror, they just reflect what society is and not what society/sex/relationship/marriage ought to be. And hey, not every “born-again” is “godly” or pastor a relationship counsellor.

 When I wrote to you before, I told you not to associate with people who indulge in sexual sin. But I wasn’t talking about unbelievers who indulge in sexual sin, or are greedy, or cheat people, or worship idols. You would have to leave this world to avoid people like that. I meant that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believeryet indulges in sexual sin, or is greedy, or worships idols, or is abusive, or is a drunkard, or cheats people. Don’t even eat with such people.

    -1Corinthians 5:9-11

 The fact that she or he is a pastor doesn’t mean she or he is knowledgeable or balanced in relationship and marriage matters. For I see people preaching their cultural practices and personal opinions as Biblical principles on sex and relationship.

I beg you, know the Bible for yourself. Know what it says concerning marriage and relationship. Relationship and marriage according to the Bible is simple. It is man-made doctrines that make it technical. It’s not!

Even if you don’t plan on getting married soon, now is the best time on earth to learn how to be married. In case you didn’t know, you’ve got liberty to learn everything about marriage; everything apart from sex and cohabitation.

Now is the time to learn how to be a leader, provider, protector and priest of your house, man. Now is the time to learn how to be a wife, mother and helpmeet. Learn ahead how to romance.

I rehearsed with my mom and sister how to say “I love you” and now, it’s natural in my relationship. I was about 16 when mom taught us to pray for our spouses. Now, it’s fun to do that for bae.


For me, kids aren’t so fun like teens, but I’ve babysat 2 kids and volunteered at a crèche just to be a good dad. Fact: my dad made it a rule for everyone of us to serve in Children’s church to learn parenting.

Don’t wait for marriage to learn how to communicate or relate with every temperament and love language. Money is usually an issue in every marriage; start learning how to solve money problems now. Where and how to squeeze a toothpaste tube has brought many marriages to court. Learn to ignore small things now.

Learn how to say:

I AM SORRY for…,



You’ll need it later.

Learn how to sleep on the same bed and eat from the same bowl with a sibling even when angry. You’ll need the skills. Learn how to flush the loo, make the bed, hang the shirt and confess your sins now. You’ll need them too.

Learn how to cook without “blacking” the pot or burning the food. Learn to change light bulbs. Learn how to relate and enjoy irritating family and friends now. Many of them are coming as in-laws too. Learn how to take excuse, share room space and gist for long even after work. You go need dem o.

I can’t just tell you everything you need to learn for marriage today. So, go get knowledge. Look for couples you like their union and befriend them, ask questions a lot. Go a step more, sow into them. I do the last things I just mentioned a lot. And I have no regrets today.

Learn and imbibe what betters relationship and marriages. Learn to talk and believe right. Even sexual faithfulness is learned. Unlearn flirting. Besides, a fornicator is just an adulterer in rehearsals.

Do yourself a favour. Read a lot. Telemundo and Televista won’t help you much.

Sorry I have to go now.

It’s your relationship with Jesus that makes your romantic relationship sweet.

Thank you for spending this time with me. You always rock my Tuesday. Thank you.

Counselling at is free courtesy of our financial partners. You can join them.

Feely WhatsApp 08125086798 or earlalright@gmail.com or http://www.AlrightsPassion.com

Don’t miss to but the e-copy of ROMANCING LIKE GOD on 1st April, 2016. You Rock!




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