(How to be like God in your relationship Pt. 8)


I know you don’t think that there could be anything good or beneficial in being jealous. Okay, that’s fine. It may FEEL okay to believe that true love is never jealous with 1Corinthians 13:4 as your basis. But friend, that’s a mere FEELING.

When you see the word LOVE in the Bible like in 1Corinthians 13, ask if it is Agape, Storge, Phileo or Eros. Such background and root derivation and understanding will make you understand the difference between 1Corinthians 13:4 and Song of Solomon 8:6.

Good evening friends and welcome to the #AlrightsPassion Tuesdays’ Social Media Hang Out with irresistible me, #EarlAlright. My job is to help young people master their sexuality and I minister Sexual Healing through Spoken Words. I am a General in God’s army. My command is to ensure Sexual Purity and Healing throughout God’s kingdom.

The Alright’s Passion VISION is providing Christian counseling for teens, singles and married on sex and relationship. While our MISSION is helping teens, singles and married with sex and relationship issues through diverse means. And all these are for free courtesy of our financial partners.


Is God jealous?

I think so.

In fact, I believe so.

I know so by Scriptures.

Let’s learn from God’s affair with man:

But first, what’s the meaning of JEALOUSY. Aha, ehn, eeh, you will have to ask @Dictionary, Telling meaning or words is their job.

Okay, sorry for my shy response. But most young people don’t use dictionaries and they give words wrong meanings. Truth is, most of the time ehn, we THINK we KNOW, when in actual sense, we are just THINKING.

Jealousy is vigilance in maintaining or guarding something

Jealousy, when healthy and balanced, is essentially important for your romantic relationships as much as trust is. Jealousy isn’t of/from the devil. He only perverted it. The virtue is from God and no evil can come from Him.

Every good and perfect gift, including the virtue of jealousy in a romantic relationships is from God (James 1:17).

Imagine a partner who doesn’t feel worried or threatened whenever you’re away for a long time or when you share a very close friendship with an opposite sex. A partner who in the name of TRUST allows every peacock spread its tail and every cat bounce her walk around you. Just imagine.

Yes, we have to trust our partners but that doesn’t mean we should expose them to emotional and sexual dangers. This is so true, most especially when we can sense the affection, bonding, and “fonding” of each other between our partner and the opposite sex.

Attention between opposite sexes, most especially within the same age bracket, always breeds affection which fuels affairs.

With the rise of gay, bisexual, transgender, bestiality (etc) movements, extra-unnecessary-same-sex-closeness requires sexual surveillance too. Yes, the affair may not be physical or sexual yet. But most affairs have their roots in emotional affairs. See Proverbs 4:23, Philippians 4:8.

There are numerous emotional and sexual predators out there who want to prey on your partner. And jealousy is one sure potent weapon against their devices even before they conceive the evil intentions. No nah, jealousy is not to police your partner or be their monitoring spirit. Jealously when healthy isn’t insecurity.

Insecurity that shows SIGNS of/as jealousy isn’t from the love to protect but from low self-esteem and the fear of losing a loved-one to someone else who you believe is better than you.

When God said He was jealous in Deuteronomy 5:9, James 4:5, I thought He wanted to be funny, so I laughed. But when I discovered that one of His names is Jealous (Exodus 34:14), I decided to take my affair with Him serious.

The entire Bible shows that God’s relationship with us is a romantic affair; Jesus the groom, the Church His bride. The Old Testament has God in many places complaining of Israel’s adultery against Him; this is a romantic affair joor.

Jealousy won’t make you want to SHARE your partner, romantically or sexually with another person. Jealousy is what makes romantic and marriage relationships exclusive (Proverbs 6:32-35, Song of Solomon 8:6, Numbers 5:11-31). Yeah, haven’t noticed even Commercial Sexual Workers don’t want to share their spouse?

Remember WHAT’S WRONG WITH OPEN RELATIONSHIPS by @Ogkevs? I’ll give you the link before I leave here today.

If your partner is never jealous and you sense she/he may never be, re-examine your definition in his/her life. True love (that is Eros, Phileo and Storge founded on Agape) can’t be without jealousy.

Mehn, I should be worried if my bae decides to spend more time with another dude or girl sef, physically or on phone. Thinking about it is making me so vexed that I feel like hissing in Isoko. Nonesense! What’s that? Mtcheeew.

God is so jealous about His relationship with YOU (Exodus 34:14 NLT). Boo, Bae, you too have the right to be jealous jare.

Just ensure the jealousy is healthy and balanced and not based on insecurities hinged on low self-esteem.

Friend, there’s a difference between being protective and over(ly) protective. Know the line, know the balance!

Love covers a lot of sins, not emotional and sexual risks and foolish adventures.

I hope I’ve been able to convince, not confuse you that jealousy is essential for a healthy relationship? Allow me tell you goodnight here but know that it’s your relationship with Jesus that makes your other relationships sweet.

My name is Earl, and I am Alright. Join me and other counselors on the #AlrightsPassion, every Tuesday, 6pm WAT on Twitter and Facebook. Freely WhatsApp 08125086798, or email

Counselling at the #AlrightsPassion is free courtesy of our financial partners and you could join them. God bless Nigeria (good people, great nation).

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What’s Wrong With Kissing?




SEXUAL HEALING; My Jesus’ Story, 2015

Before you leave, read


Leading Your Emotions

How to Combat Church and Office Romance.

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