Is Our Romantic Relationship Plagued By The Curse?

Is Our Romantic Relationship Plagued By The Curse?

What’s the curse? And how can it be broken?

We need to first understand what romance and curse is. According to Victor Atokolo, (Author and Pastor), romance is doing and saying things which makes the other feel loved, special and accepted unconditionally and a curse is “…an evil that has been invoked upon a person”.

On question one:

Is Our Romantic Relationship Plaque by the Curse?

Yes it is.

There is, unfortunately, a romantic curse on all humans who are descendants of Adam (except your grandfather was a monkey) and Genesis 3:16 contains the wordings of the curse – “…you shall desire to control your husband but he shall rule over you” (NLT). This has been drawn from my experience, over time both as a counselor and as a lawyer that the main issue between most romantic couples, whether married or not is the desire of the woman to change, control, manipulate and dictate for the man while on the other hand, the man wants to dominate, subdue and rule over the woman. Remember the curse “…you shall desire to control your husband but he shall rule over you” Genesis 3:16 (NLT).

On Question Two:

(what’s the curse (if any)?)

This would also be answered in the affirmative. The verse in Genesis above definitely shows the curse. Read it again, that curse is definitely romantic one, affecting romance. It shows that there would always be a desire for each other to marry but in marriage, the ordinary desire would hurt the couple. That’s a big curse.  It says; “…you shall desire to control your husband but he shall rule over you” so when you try to control, dictate, manipulate etc. your husband, just know that you are acting under a curse.  And when all you think is how to lord, rule and dominate your wife, just know that it is the curse that is manifesting in and through you. So, stop acting cursed romantically (if you’re born-again).

How can this curse be broken?

It can be broken via a personal relationship with Jesus. Believe in Jesus in your heart and confess him as your lord with your mouth. Just the simple prayer/request delivers you not only from the romantic curse but also from many more you could ever phantom (see Romans 10:9, 10). Scriptures says that Jesus became a curse for us (see Galatians 3:13, 14). He didn’t just break the curse, He took them from you and nailed them to the cross, dying to pay the ultimate price for the curse. In addition, He gave you blessings.

When you are born-again, then you have been delivered from the curse (and if you are yet to accept Jesus as your lord and savior, don’t worry, there is a simple prayer at the end of this article that would make you one). Live the life of a redeemed person. You have been delivered. The cage is open and you can fly out free, stop sitting there claiming that you can’t help but want to control your man or rule over your woman. You have only one obligation now as Ephesians 5:21-33 Commands which is to submit to your husband as a wife and love your wife as a woman. Some men like the submit part for/of the woman but fail to also realize that Ephesians 5:21 says husband and wife should submit to each other. But this doesn’t mean that the woman can then tell the husband to submit like her, because the next verse shows that she’s to submit more.

Wow! What a huge demand to make but yet so simple a task – submits and loves. Wow, again. What it means is that instead of being controlled by the curse that wants you to control – submit; in humility. Instead of obeying the desire to rule and lord over your wife – love her; Act lovingly. This is how it is so easy to live with the mentality that you aren’t under a romantic curse. Stop spoiling all your romantic affairs with your bad character and attitude and stop asserting that it is your personality and that any person who cannot accept you like that should quit. The truth is, this isn’t who you truly are, but this is who you were. You are now born again – God’s masterpiece created anew in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:10). Change into your new personality (see Galatians chapter 5).

Just for some clarity, I didn’t say “get delivered romantically “because whosoever is in Christ is a new creature, old things have passed away, making all things become new. You have already been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God’s dear son –Jesus Christ (light) who died for us (See Colossians 1:13, 14(. You are no longer on a chain or in a cage. You have been delivered and transferred dearie. Yes you have! (See Colossians 1:13-14 again) you are not actually under any curse. You have long been delivered in reality. Just live it out, please. Stop excusing you bad personality, habits, attitudes and stop glorifying evil. Change! Please, do! When you feel like controlling him, confess that Jesus became a curse for you and that you are no longer under the curse…you have the ability to submit and you are going to do that as long as you breathe. When you feel like ruling over her, remember that you are her head, not boss, leader, not dictator, husband and not ruler. Stop acting cursed romantically.

Also, always remember that God loves you and that it is your relationship with Jesus that makes your other relationship(s) sweet.

And if you haven’t ever accepted Jesus or did at one time, but took your life back again from him(or even borrowed it) you could pray with me; “Lord Jesus, I believe you are the son of God who came and died for my sin. I believe you also resurrected and paid for my sins and redemption accept your love and declare you as lord of my life and I also receive right now the Holy Ghost. Halleluiah!” congrats friend, you just got born-again if you sincerely made the prayer. Welcome to God’s family. Find a Bible believing and teaching church near you as you enjoy Zoë (life as God has it).

Let’s talk. Email me at or WhatsApp 08125086798


Earl Alright

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