(spoken by Earl Alright on the #AlrightsPassion Tuesdays’ social media hang-out, on 4th February, 2015 @AlrightsPassion on Twitter and at on Facebook)

Today, I just want to address some complains people have about being unable to love again after a hurt.


Some complain that there are no virtuous women or godly men again. That’s a lie. Elijah thought so in the days of Ahab & Jezebel but he was so wrong because about seven thousand people had not bow to baal, still loyal to Jehovah. And this is so obvious in Proverbs 31:29 where the NLT says “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world….” Many Godly people exist, see Eccl. 7:27-29.

It is a big lie to believe you’re the only good guy or babe around. Many are better than you, at least, as good.

I once saw a Blackberry Messenger (BBM) Display Picture (DP) that read: “Are you looking for a MAN who is responsible, nice, kind, loving, caring faithful, cool, honest, trust worthy & very rich? Just be very patient, JESUS IS COMING SOON.” Here’s what they got wrong; this same Jesus that is coming soon already lives in many men (and women), producing all these attributes in them through the Holy Ghost. And even if they do not seem to be evident now, they would definitely manifest as long as the men yield to the leadership of Christ through the Holy Ghost.


Another complain we receive most times at the Alright’s Passion is “I can’t love again” and unfortunately, our counselors have never believed so. The Bible says that even if a tree be curt down, there is still hope for it; when it rains, it will sprout again. See Job 14:7.

Always remember that love is choice & decision us humans consciously and deliberately make. So, it lies on you to determine whether or not you want to love again.

It starts with your personal decision to love yourself after the hurt. God & our counselors at Alright’s Passion can help but it is you alone that can DECIDE to love again or not. God cannot do that for you, and if you do not make that choice, no counselor may be able to help you, unless he/she first help you love yourself again.

If you believe & decide to love, you will surely love again & even like teenager once more. Proverbs 24:16 says a godly man may fall, even seven times, but, he would rise again. No matter what you’ve faced or experienced, you can surely for certain, love whole heartedly again. See Proverbs 24:16 and Job 14:7.

Saying you cannot love again because you have been or are broken is denying the healing power in Jesus’ name. Be healed. In Isaiah 53:3-5, supported by Matthew 8:17, and 1Peter 2:24, it is clear to us that Jesus personally took your sicknesses and diseases (including hurts and depressions), carried them in His body and nailed them to the Cross and by the stripes He took, you, this-very-you, were healed!

Remember ye are gods & the power of the Most High dwells in you–you function like Him. See Psalm 82:6, 1Corinthians 3:16.


“BUT my heart is already shattered.” Exactly, that is why Jesus came; to heal all disease (Psalm 147:3, Luke 4:18-21). God has a new heart, emotions & will already ready for you. He makes all things new. You are a new creature; A—N.E.W.–ONE. He would give you a heart of flesh to replace this one of stone that is cold & hard. Trust Him. See Ezekiel 36:26.

Depression, loneliness, abuse, and hurts are what Jesus came to heal and died for; that by the stripes He took, so you could be hale and hearty in body and soul too. Psalms 107:20; 147:3.

Some also claim that they cannot forgive or let go…and if you cannot forgive (other men or women) for what one person or some persons did to you, how can you then meet Jesus’ requirements of the 7 x 70 times forgiveness principle a day? Remember forgive us as we forgive them? See Matthew 6:12, Mark 11:25, John 20:23, Colossians 3:13, and Matthew 6:14.

Hate, just like love is a choice. A decision we consciously make. Stop hating.

See, you now have the mind, thoughts, emotions of Christ. Live in the consciousness of the reality. His Spirit is inside of you and you can do all things through the power that is inside of you! See Philippians 4:13, Ephesians 3:20.


Some complain that they are already ruined & as such, no remedy. I don’t think so. Ask the (former) prodigal son. Him too was ruined but he remembered his father’s love & returned (Luke 15:11-32). His father (acting/playing God) was, is waiting with that hug, kiss, ring, robe, fatted calf & party! Just come back to Him. That’s all. He’s love will not give you time to confess; besides, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. He does not have time for that. He just wants to throw a party any and whenever you return. Just return today by saying “Jesus, I believe in You and the love you have for me and I accept it today”; that’s all. Welcome back!

You think you did unforgivable things in the relationship? Nah, Jesus’ blood has it covered; He washed it out and paid for the consequences & does not want restitution. See, God forgets your sins that even Him can no longer make you pay let alone the devil or karma. You may want to confirm this by reading Jeremiah 31:34, Hebrews 10:17-18; 8:12, and Ezekiel 18:23.


“There’s a romantic generational curse on my family, people don’t marry early or have good marriages….” What a sweet lie to believe.

Worse, the pulpit is not helping matters. That’s so untrue. You can’t be under a curse in Christ! Oya, take out time to read how Jeremiah 31:29-30, Ezekiel 18:19-20, Job 21:19 and Galatians 3:13 counter Exodus 34:6-7 and Deuteronomy 5:9. Trust me, preachers give you wrong information about Judah & David’s adultery story. Chat me for more enlightenment on this on WhatsApp 08125086798 or inbox me on

I cannot clear all the myths here but I hope I helped a little?

When you understand the true nature of God, you just can’t but fall in love–He’s a great lover. And He knows how to love more than any person can & He does it through Jesus & the Holy Spirit. John 3:16, Romans 8:32-39.

Your boyfriend, fiancé(e) or spouse may attempt making love to your body, but only Jesus can do it to your soul. But don’t forget that if you are looking for a MAN (or woman) who is responsible, nice, kind, loving, caring faithful, cool, honest, trust worthy & very rich, you do not have to wait for Jesus’ second coming. Just ensure that Jesus is in that guy or girl you’re interested in, first, before any other thing and you will enjoy all the mentioned attributes in your partner.

It is your relationship with Jesus that makes your other relationship(s) sweet. We are praying for you.


Join me again, next week Tuesday, 17th February, by 6pm @AlrightsPassion on twitter and on on facebook for LOVE IS WHAT I KNOW, NOT WHAT YOU THINK.

Do take out time to read the articles listed at the bottom of this article. They would help you understand this topic, better.


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Thank you for participating tonight on #AlrightsPassion. Next week Tuesday, 6pm WAT is another date for LOVE IS WHAT I KNOW, NOT WHAT YOU THINK. Feel free to add me on WhatsApp 08125086798. Shalom.


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