(how to be like God in your relationship Pt. 3)

 (spoken by Earl Alright on the #AlrightsPassion Tuesdays’ social media hang-out, on 19th January, 2015 on Twitter and at Alright’s Passion on Facebook)

Every week, I always look forward to sharing my Tuesday’s evening with you on #AlrightsPassion. Thanks for making it a date today. It is time to learn HOW TO KEEP ROMANTIC-HOPE, ALIVE.

For several weeks, I have being wanting to teach you “how to write your personal love story”. I am so ready now.

The best way to keep romantic hope alive is to personally write a futuristic love story about yourself. What is it you want to see, experience and enjoy in marriage? Write it down.

Write the vision, make it plain so that your spouse and kids can see it and run with it (Habakkuk 2:1-3). Paint and write it so real that God and the angels would be excited to make it happen (see Psalms 37:3-4, Ephesians 3:20Ampl.).

Stop destroying your future marriage with bad words which summons devils and demons against you. Life and death is in the power of your tongue. Your tongue is sharper than any two edged sword (Proverbs 18:21).

 Our words are actually horses that either angels or demons ride on. Angels ride on good words. Demons on bad ones. Kenneth Copeland was right when he explained this.

God writes and paints “His” future; Isaiah, Daniel, Joel and Revelation are some of God’s future in 3D. He wrote the New Testament years before Jesus was born, and till date and till tomorrow, we are still acting God’s script.

Stop thinking that your husband will beat you, leave you or cheat on you. Stop, please! Stop thinking that your wife will be nagging, shabby, adulterous, and disrespectful. Stop my guy. Remember that it is as a man thinketh, so he is, so he becomes. Your thoughts are as powerful as prayers and prophecies (Eph 3:20 Ampl.).

The spies saw themselves as grasshoppers and never entered Cannan because there were no accommodations for grasshoppers in the land. Joshua and Caleb saw themselves as giant slayers and got the biggest cake and best share.

When you listen to songs that talk only of sour relationships and marriages, you cannot but have one. I could never give you my ears to explain that love is wicked, or that all women cheat or marriage is boring. I would not watch movies that glorify breakups, cheatings and adultery. Not my eyes, ears or head.

There are too many AWESOME relationships and marriages for you to consciously, deliberately anticipate the worst.

What Job feared the most befell him. Stop fearing abusive and unloving relationship and marriage. Stop saying marriage is hard, a prison, hell, cage etc. God told them in the wilderness, as He heard them say, that He would do. Say good things about yourself joor. God said what you say into my ears, that would  do and God hears our thoughts too. Think right oh.

 I deliberately, regularly speak out what my wife and kids would be even as far as my old age and my grand kids’ marriages/families. I am painting in animated 3D the type of husband I will be and the type of wife and kids I will also have. I do the same for where I work; the Alright’s Passion and Graceville Chambers, Ibadan. I believe this, for all I said I would be at 25, I was. And how old am I now? To be, just 27 years old in April.

My friend has suitors who the least is about 6ft tall and she is not that tall–she’s short. But right from being a teen, she has always declared she would marry a tall man and tall dudes all get attracted! Now, you may want to say it is mere coincidence. But Angels and demons do not think so. Me too. Do not think it is because opposite attract. Nah, tall guys also want the tall slim girls. You now (almost) marry your height and size. But my friend forms her future with her words.

…even God, formed this world and universe with words. He calls things that are not, as though they were so that they become. Think, write and speak like God.

There are families I regularly visit because I admire the marriage and family and want to replicate them. I plan sowing into some families, days after my marriage to enjoy their grace too. I do not trouble myself much with bad marriages. I do not want to replicate them through my thoughts. For me, it is better, wiser and more profitable to learn how a good one works than how a bad one ought to work or should not work and maybe that is because I am still single.

My mentor’s husband had a sketch of his wife’s look and person–that’s who she is! In our Teens’ Church (The Fortress), Word Aflame Family Church, Makurdi, we write all our programmes’ reports in the future, a lot, and it works, big time! We don’t just wish, say or pray exactly what we want to see, but we also take it a step further by writting it down.

It is far better you form and create your future deliberately with your words than allow your emotions and negative thoughts do it for you. My friend and pastor, Dooyum Sidney Ahura does this well. He just writes it down in the futuristic. I think I practically learned this trick from him!

You write and confess “I have and I am”, even when presently, it is not so. But that is how God operates, too. …it is the weak saying “I am strong” and the poor saying “I am rich”, and the troubled saying “it is well”.

I prefer to imagine my pregnant wife cruising in her car than hustling for danfo. Trust me, it is a better, more rewarding, profiting and hopeful reality to do so than imagine otherwise. The best way to know what you want and will have is to write it down and put it before you, always. The trick worked for Jacob and the herd became spotted.

For every time you read the dream – the future reality, your faith is stirred-up and hope comes alive. Just add the Scriptures– Ephesians 3:20 Ampl., Philippians 4:19, Jeremiah 1:12 KJV and you will see your writings and future in 3D.

The best way to keep your romantic hope(s) alive is to remind yourself of God’s promises about; your spouse, marriage, kids, family and descendants. Many Scriptures from Old Testament and New Testament exist! Psalm 37:3-4, 56:10, 21:2, Hebrews 4:12 may help you understand this better.

Evil communication corrupts not only good manners, but relationships and marriages. Mind who you give your ear and eye.

Do not let your entertainment be your education. Holly, Nolly, Bolly (etc) Wood(s) are not marriage counselors. Do not allow messed up people plant evil seeds in you with their failures. They should not be your mentors and models.

Have pictures of happy marriages and families on your phone, PC, laptop, tab and you will reproduce what you see.

I cannot say all here, so, read your Bible, good books by balanced Christian authors and attend good programmes too to better your love-life, for all these will ordinarily not make sense if you are not born-again. Trust me, it won’t. However…

It’s your relationship with Jesus that makes your other relationship(s) sweet.

Did you know that you could partner with us for 12months with the minimum of N1,000 (One Thousand Naira) a month? And that you could choose to do it monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, bi-annually or once? Contact #EarlAlright on 08038545621 or via email to indicate your interest. Your partnership is helping us scrap consultancy and counseling fees of our counselees and financing our programmes.

Thanks for participating tonight on #AlrightsPassion. Next week Tuesday, 6pm WAT is another date. YOU ROCK! Feel free to add me on WhatsApp 08125086798 and don’t forget to join us again for another great hang-out, Tuesday next week, by 6pm @AlrightsPassion. Shalom.

Once again, we remember our fallen (armed forces) heroes of Naija. Thank You.

My people, make una no forget say political elections no bi civil-war oh. Kulukulu temper, abeg. #AlrightsPassion

#AlrightsPassion, “helping teens, singles and married with sex and relationship issues through spoken words.”  and “providing Christian counseling on teens, singles and married on sex and relationships.




part 2 THE 7×70 PRINCIPLE