
The best way to correct some sexual issues in marriage, is to address it when single. This is especially true and important for a generation like ours that is very sexually aware and sexually active. Once again, I do not support, suggest or recommend premarital and extramarital sex, and this is not in any way to encourage one to have extramarital or premarital sex. Using this as an excuse to watch porn, masturbate or have unholy sex is equal to using “Jesus turned water to wine” to be an alcoholic. 

One major damage that porn (written, still and motion picture) has done, is engraved in our minds the belief and culture that, only women are supposed to always moan during sex. And her moaning is supposed to mean the man is doing well and she is enjoying it. 

This erroneous belief has become so deep that, even when she is obviously faking it, many husbands are too dumb to recognize it. It becomes even much more damning that many men take offense when their wife doesn’t moan. And they don’t even care whether she enjoys it or not. Many women enjoy sex and may not moan on that particular fun ride. 

In order to make women moan, for many husbands believe that it is only when she moans that she is feeling him, many men have used violent sexual behaviours and used substances including very hot balms as lubricants on their wives. So instead of the woman to moan from pleasure, she moans from pain and displeasure. And instead of the husband to stop and seek the good for his wife, his crazy unhealthy and unbalanced ego would be getting massaged. If painful moans and sighs during sex makes you feel good, Sir, you are a wicked man. A very wicked one.

I join others to soro-soke that, a woman doesn’t have to moan to enjoy sex. Every sex must not have sound track.

 Okay, you want to make her moan? Suck, not bite and chew her nipples then  give her head. And even if she’ll moan in all these, it’ll largely depend on her state of mind and body at the particular time in question. Don’t be like that epic skit where the Igwe complained that the Lolo did not moan and that she must moan. 

Interestingly, it is not about women moaning that I want to talk about today. But about men’s refusal to moan no matter how good, exciting and electrifying the sex is.
Men, over the ages have been taught not to cry or show too much excitement. We have been taught that moaning and sighs during sex are feminine and masculine weakness. We have been taught that sex is what we receive and what we do to women. We have not been taught that sex is what we must experience beyond just enjoying it. 

In truly experiencing sex, we are supposed to express all the feeling and emotions we feel: fear, pain, love, pleasure, excitement etc. If it is painful, we are supposed to stop our wives (or stop ourselves) and express the pain. If it is gripping, we are supposed to grab, bite and pull. If it is electric, we are supposed to moan. Yes! It is true masculinity to express what you feel including crying from pain and moaning from sex. It is not being macho, to be mute when your wife is riding you like no man’s business.

 Some of you will be doing endurance trek with your mouths and hands when she is giving a great mouth job.  Wickedness! Will you stop smiling and truly express what you feel?

 Just as God expects us to be very expressive with our gratefulness and thanksgiving towards Him, our wives also expect us to do it exactly the same way when it comes to their bodies sexually. 

Everyone wants to thank God expressively like David. Every wife also want her husband to be very verbal and vocal when it comes to expressing sexual pleasure and satisfaction.

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