Stress is a big sex-drive killer in humans, whether they be males or females. In women, it causes little or no interest in coitus which would most likely lead to little or no self-lubrication because the body is too tired to be stimulated, thereby causing bruises in the vagina. In men, stress causes weak erections (in some extreme cases, no erection) and it is one of the biggest factors behind premature ejaculation and sleep-offs immediately after ejaculation.

Mastering stress, and managing it properly determines how much of sex we would enjoy in marriage. Worrying is serious mental and emotional stress.

Our career and quest for more money and social status, causing us to push our bodies more than necessary, uses up so much energy that kills sexual vibes. So, that a person may be willing to to have sex with his/her spouse, but the body is too tired to respond accordingly (having gone through a burn-out on their jobs and career).

To have great sex-life in marriage, every spouse has to be deliberate in reserving and storing-up some mental, emotional and physical energy for sex. That’s why I usually say that sex ought to be planned and deliberate in marriage.

We can’t just make sex in marriage “as the spirit leads” every time. Yes, quickies are awesome, spontaneous sex is welcomed, but life shouldn’t always be instant noodles or fast foods; those are just snacks, they shouldn’t be the main courses. Just as one can’t be healthy on these diets, the sexual health of marriage is terribly jeopardized if all the sex is “sharp-sharp.”

Do you know (in your marriage) how to store-up some horse power energy for sex (mentally, emotionally and physically)? A sex counsellor could help you if you don’t know how to, and Alright’s Passion has a wide range of Sex and Relationship Counsellors to help you.

My name is Earl, and I am Alright.

You Rock!

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