Is Oral Sex proper or not?

One very common question I always get to answer is what sexual activities are right or wrong in a marriage. You know, some things are very easy to answer because the Bible just drops it black and white. But you see, God did not create dummies. So He gave us a mind or our own and intelligence to use. So, we usually say that anything that God did not say, Black and White, He has left to us to legislate upon. However, because we have to use our intelligence and not all of us share the same background and all the same information, we do not agree on the many things.

First and foremost we need to realize that the Bible does not prescribe a particular sex style in marriage and neither does it condemn anyone. Even the famous Missionary Style was only recommended by missionaries after the book of Revelation. Oral history is that human’s major sex style was Doggie. And some missionaries argued that doggie was what most mammals did and humans were superior to animals and that we needed something more dignifying sort of.

So the love-hug sex style which is popularly known as missionary style became named after the missionaries. We cannot verify the veracity of this story, however, we learn by observation. Before Adam and Eve, there was already a possibility that animals were already mating in Eden and since doggie is the most common mating style of most mammals, it must have been the only sex style Adam and Eve observed before they had their first sex. Consequently, doggie may have been their first and perhaps, their most frequent sex style.

So, is Oral Sex proper or not?
I like the question. It does not say if it is Holy or not. It is not if it is godly or not but if it is proper or not.

The first rule I usually give married folks regarding sex is;
Everything is allowed as long as it doesn’t violate your faith, conscience, that of your spouse or jeopardize the health of any of the parties.

And when it comes to sex, every part of the body is a sex organ. This is why hugging and kissing are sexual behaviours and activities. Oral sex appears to be a subset of Mutual masturbation. Mutual masturbation is when a partner stimulates the genitals of the spouse to give and receive sexual pleasure (and satisfaction). When this stimulation is done on the male with the hands, it is called Hand Job! When done with the mouth, it is called Blow Job, Oral Sex and the likes. When this stimulation is done by a husband on his wife, if it is with his hands, it becomes Fingering, if it is done with the tongue, it becomes Head, Oral sex, fellatio etc.

So in essence, sucking of the boobs or genital actually fall under masturbation since it is not genital to genital. Even if it is genital to genital as in the case of grinding, hot dog, dry hump, wet hump and the like, it still falls under masturbation sort of. Remember all of these falls as sex.

Different types of sex;
Sex between mouths and tongue is what we call kissing. Hehehe. No wonder the Bible doesn’t use sex per se but fornication, for many of us think that sex is when the penis enters the vagina. Hahaha. No wonder some people that have danced on the fence through wet and dry hump, fingering and handjob think that they are still virgins. Well, as sex counsellors, we call them technical virgins.

Back to the issue at hand. What are the pros and cons or oral sex?
The answer to this is what will determine if we recommend it or not, and most especially if it should be practised in your marriage or not. Remember that First rule I usually give married folks regarding sex is:

Everything is allowed as long as it doesn’t violate your faith, conscience, that of your spouse or jeopardize the health of any of the parties, and when it comes to sex, every part of the body is a sex organ. This is why hugging and kissing are sexual behaviours and activities.

One Side!
Oral sex looks very dirty. You know, Paul said that our least honourable body-parts are what we care for most and cover-up. Well, that shows that from time, people have always thought of the penis and vagina to be ugly (although I do not totally agree with them).

If you have ever seen a used sanitary towel or menstruation flowing out, you would never want to take your mouth down there. Not just that, many people are dirty. Dirty underwears, poor bathing regime and the likes. So it is easy for bacteria to possess that area. Well, for these folks we usually advise oral sex or not change your underwears every day.
Bath at least twice every day, and pay special attention in washing that area (with water). We do not really recommend soap or any other substance for women as it can alter the PH of the vee-jay-jay.

For men, don’t rub soap and leave it there especially medicated and herbal soaps. Your scrotum sack breathes. It absorbs what comes on it. And if it absorbs chemicals from your bathing soap, that is bad!

The Other Side!
Oral sex is a more guaranteed way for women to achieve orgasm far more than vagina sex. Oral sex is one way to give and receive sexual pleasure and satisfaction without the fear of having another child. It is also a great way of pleasing and satisfying your wife if you have erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation

So, to end this, take note that to him that is pure, everything sexually within the walls and boundaries of his marriage is pure.

My name is Earl, and I am Alright.

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