I know you may be trying to fathom the correlation between the two words. To many of us, worship is a sacred word while sex is dirty and perhaps vulgar; a taboo that many people refuse to talk about and shy away from. Yet, we are still curious and get hooked on porn in the process, indulge privately in it and put ourselves under bondage. Sex is as sacred as worship could be.

 If I may ask, 

What is Worship?

Worship is an act of religious devotion usually directed towards a deity. It is to give its simplest worth to something. It means to honour and pay homage, to adore and admire profoundly and respectfully.

In churches today, when we hear the word ‘worship’, our mind thinks of music; singing solemn songs that arouses your emotions and you begin to cry. Some are crying because they remembered how Tunde cheated on them, how Dupe slept with his closest pal. Some are lost in their own thoughts though their eyes are closed and they seem to be lost in worship like we all say. The fact that you  are crying or closing your eyes because the music is soft does not mean you are worshipping God.

Music is not the origin of worship but it can be the expression of it. Do not think  only of music to induce your worship. Look at music as simply an expression of that highly induced heart that is rapt by the mercies of God, obedient to His commands. Worship is induced in a lifestyle submitted to God.

It is same for sex. Some are having sex with their wives but in their minds, it is the babe in the office they are sleeping with; they are in the act but their minds are far off, far away.

Sex is a physical activity in which people touch each other’s bodies, kiss each other and other physical activities that is related which often includes sexual intercourse.

There is something curiously powerful about sex. There’s a reason why even the most accomplished and affluent of men are undone by this physical and “natural” act. Physical, yes, but with immense spiritual significance. Natural, yes, but with connection that is nothing short of the SUPERnatural.

Have you seen the greatest of men ejaculate and become very vulnerable and weak even at the point of the greatest height of pleasure? At that point of euphoria, the body becomes weak because that pleasure transcends beyond the human body.

When we are committed to the reverence of God and are lost in Him, there is this unspeakable and unexplainable joy we experience; you feel light and free, joyful and happy.

Those who will worship God must do so in Spirit and in truth. You cannot worship God in falsehood.You cannot worship God through the flesh. It must be a connection through the spirit; exactly the reason why Jesus came and restored us to God. This is the same for sex. If you are married, you will agree with me that when your wife or husband irritates you and then asks for sex later, the first thing that comes to your mind is NO. Unconsciously, you may even tap his or her hand away. This is why I encourage couples to settle their scores as soon as possible to avoid being sexually distant from each other.

Malice breaks sexual connections amongst couples.This leads to divorce at times, the love is still there seated deep within but the languages of love are no more communicated, the act of love has been silenced. Yes, your negligence to reading your Bible and connecting with God will not stop God from loving you but your growth will be stunted by the attitude.

As music is not a guarantee of worship to God, sex is not a guarantee of love. People are having sex everyday for money. People are having sex everyday for self gratification. People are having sex for rituals. People are having sex to pass exams and get jobs. The same way you are paying tithes to be blessed.

You are reading your bible to get to heaven that is already within you. You are getting early to church to get a contract you expect on Monday. 

Hey! Whether for sex or for service to God, enough of the selfish reasons. What you do in God’s name is meant to be done out of love. Whether He blesses you or not which the latter is not possible, pay your tithes. Obey His word not for the fear of going to hell but as a proceed of your love for Him. 

Are you having sex with hubby to get him to sign a check for you the next day or take you out? Stop abusing worship to God. Stop abusing sex. Stop using sex to tie guys down as unmarried ladies; you will hurt yourself at the end because it will soon dawn on him that he never even loved you. Stop using your works for God to cover-up because at the end, He will say, “depart from me, ye workers of iniquity”.

Giving him or her sex before marriage does not mean you are in love. It is an height of genital suicide. Going to church, carrying the biggest Bible, leading worship songs without accepting the salvation of Christ by faith and confessing it, is suicidal too. You must worship in spirit and in truth.

Man died when he ate the apple. We died there and then. It took us to be bought with a price before we could truly worship. Jesus paid a price before we could be called God’s own and become intimate worshippers.

Hey, before God can endorse sex for two people, a price has to be paid.  Why should he sleep with you and become intimate without your wedding ceremony and bride price? Is he higher than God?

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. You love her but you want to collect from her vagina tightness first. Are you a tax collector? God gave His Son to bring worshippers to Him. You want to collect to win her love and give her commitment. What an irony!

Ladies, you too are giving what God said you should preserve to win his love. God is love, yet you are disobeying Love’s command to win Love. Does that make sense?

There is a great difference between pornography and love making. Porn is action film; they are acting. Most times, they have used substances to be high. There is no passion. They are simply objects. If you have watched porn before you will understand. It is not the real thing. I can assure you of that.

When you are single, you are scared when you have sex most times. At times, it is guilt. At other times, it is the fear of pregnancy. At some other times, it is the fear of sexually transmitted diseases.

Sex in marriage is meant to be an expression of honour, admiration, respect, adoration and love for your spouse. It is supposed to generate from your inward parts.

 When you are outside the faith, you are scared of the devil, death, sickness, oppression, failure, etc. But for us in the kingdom, our authority flows from our intercourse with the Holy Spirit. Paul said that I may know Him. When Adam and Eve had sex for the first time, the bible said that “and Adam knew his wife.” Stop “knowing” who you are not married to. No matter how spiritual your name is, you are not a worshipper in spirit and truth if you have not been bought over from darkness into light.

What does Apostle Paul have to say about sex being spiritual? 

“Just because something is technically legal doesn’t mean that it’s spiritually appropriate. If I went around doing whatever I thought I could get by with, I’d be a slave to my whims. You know the old saying, “First you eat to live, and then you live to eat”? Well, it may be true that the body is only a temporary thing, but that’s no excuse for stuffing your body with food, or indulging it with sex. Since the Master honors you with a body, honor him with your body! God honored the Master’s body by raising it from the grave. He’ll treat yours with the same resurrection power. Until that time, remember that your bodies are created with the same dignity as the Master’s body. You wouldn’t take the Master’s body off to a whorehouse, would you? I should hope not.

There’s more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, “The two become one.” Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than ever—the kind of sex that can never “become one.” There is a sense in which sexual sins are different from all others. In sexual sin we violate the sacredness of our own bodies, these bodies that were made for God-given and God-modeled love, for “becoming one” with another. Or didn’t you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don’t you see that you can’t live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body. -I Corinthians 6:12-20 The Message (MSG)

Your body does not belong to you. You have been bought with a price. God owns you; your vagina and penis included. Look at what Paul said in verse 16 of the above cited scripture: “There’s more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, “The two become one.” Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than ever—the kind of sex that can never “become one.”

Sex is beyond skin to skin. Forget what the devil is trying to do with sex; He has been a liar from the beginning. Sex is a spiritual mystery. This is why a girl who a guy will beat black and blue and will almost remove her eyes will go back because the guy can dig deep exceptionally. And you say she is under a spell; before nko? 

Two become one; the same way we become one with Christ at salvation. The same way Jesus said, I and my father are one. Exactly the same way Jesus prayed for his disciples; make them one, dear father, make them one.

How many people will you become one with before you get married? 

Paul said …since we want to become spiritually one with the master, we MUST NOT pursue the kind of sex that AVOIDS COMMITMENT AND INTIMACY, LEAVING US MORE LONELY THAN EVER….The kind of sex THAT CAN NEVER BECOME ONE. Wouldn’t you love to give Apostle Paul a hug and a kiss when you see him? I for one will sure do that if my incorruptible self will remember.

Don’t pursue sex outside marriage. Sex is holy and spiritual. Thank God it is written in the Bible. It will leave you more lonely than ever. That is why you find it difficult to let go of that boy or girl. Hey, don’t tell me it is love. You are thinking of not losing the penis and vagina, but what you are looking for is not in the genitals. You are seeking for love.

Is it the love of sex that is making you stay in that relationship; Missing the penis and vagina? Matthew 6:33 says “seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all OTHER THINGS shall be added unto you.” The same scripture in OVIERAY’S SEX BIBLE says “seek ye first commitment and intimacy, and all the other styles of sex; standing, sitting, digging deep, reverse, pause, doggy, spooning, pussy licking, dick sucking shall be added unto you.”

You are in trouble if you seek Sex before marriage. You are in more trouble if you seek God’s blessings without a relationship with Him.

Guys, relax. I can tell you with all sincerity and experience that pornography is not real. It clouds your sexual intellect and creativity; keeps you in a bondage to want what your spouse cannot give. How can you be satisfied with your wife when your mind is as loosed as that of a lost and angry lion? That is not the expression of sex that is needed in marriage.

Let me explain with music as an expression of worship

During worship through songs, people assume different positions. Some sit, some stand, some kneel with their waist high, some kneel with their heads bent to touch the floor, others lie down. Some shout, some cry, some smile and sing softly, some begin to shake their bodies rigorously. Whatever position you assume, it does not make you more spiritual than another person. Each person communicates with the father in their style.

Check those styles and expressions  we do while worshipping through songs or praying, they are what we do when having sex; some sit, some stand, some kneel with their waist high, some kneel with their heads bent to touch the floor, others lie down. How about this, ladies make these moans more and we all are the brides of Christ and we do these while praying or singing (whether a man or a woman). Some shout, some cry, some smile and sing softly, some begin to shake their bodies rigorously. Whether you moan loudly, you softly whisper boo’s name or you just breathe hard continuously, there is no superior way of expressing sexual pleasure…each individual with his/her style. Whatever position you assume does not make you more sexy than another person. Each person communicates with their spouses in their style as long as they are both satisfied and they both agree to it.

As worship ushers in the deepest form of communion with God, so does sex create a platform for the same between a husband and a wife. No couple can achieve satisfying sex without a healthy communication channel. No Christian can worship God without a communication of the spirits.

Before I leave you, let me quickly share something with you from Revelations 3:20; Jesus stands at the door of your heart and knocks. He woos you. He sends His messengers to bring you the love message, sends tracts and all till you finally agree to be His bride. He has paid your bride price and he expects you to communicate once you become His bride. 

My sisters, the guy is still knocking at the door of your heart. He is still wooing you. You have not become his bride, don’t open your legs for him biko. Till you become His bride, close your vee-boot. Till she becomes your bride, close your pee-boot.

I hope you all agree with me that sex is Holy, spiritual, brain fingering, mind blasting, body rocking, psychologically relaxing and energy boosting

Tell yourself, “omo, this sex is worth waiting for o.” 

I pray for you that the wisdom and knowledge you need to hold on till you get married is released like injection into your brain in Jesus name.

My name is Ovie Rachael Oluwatomi. I love defending the personality of sex and protecting its sacredness while preserving its sanctity yet exposing its pleasure till you derive maximum ecstasy. I am the founder of Naked ecstasy, a platform where I offer sex therapies to couples who are finding it difficult to enjoy sex to the fullest, where sexual abuse survivors are helped to overcome their fears and look forward to enjoying fruitful and fulfilling sexual relations with their spouses, where sexually addicteds are supported to overcome, where singles gather information proven and tested about sex to prepare them for a smooth sexual intercourse when married, where to-be-couples are trained for the sexual journey ahead. Available also are books and novels on romance, courtship, marriage, sex, etc. I am also privileged to be a counsellor at the Alright’s Passion. For more enquiries and counselling, call 08061595731 or send your request to nakedecstasy@gmail.com. You can read more at nakedecstasy.wordpress.com

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