Sexually Forgiven

Sexually Forgiven


There are many things I wish to share with you guys this morning and I have volumes of thoughts already written down but every time I try to make myself share something else, these words by Jonathan and Ana Gallagher from the book; YOUNG WOMAN keeps on over-shadowing everything on my mind. So let me share it. I don’t know who it is for, but since Praying Tuesday just ended some minutes ago and this is already Wednesday, I think it isn’t out of place if I share something closed related.

 Here is the quote:

There is no sin that God cannot forgive–except for the sin you don’t want forgiven

Interestingly, bae and I have been taking a pre-wedding course and we have to answer some real tough questions. I thought that since I was a sex and relationship counsellor over the years, taking the course would be easy only for me to get 40% during the first test. Hahahhhahaha. We know in parts and there is always room for improvement, growth and more knowledge and understanding.

It was then I remembered that there’s a whole lot difference between the anointing upon and the anointing within. But something struck me again as bae mentioned it about an hour ago: “you know the rules; once you can say/confess it, it must be forgiven”

Trust me, that rule has helped my relationship like God knows what. It has helped my relationship more than the love your neigbour as yourself rule. In fact, the only rules that have helped us and our relationship as much as this rule is Love them as I have loved you, and all the lessons in Ephesians 5 (which some people don’t like hearing at all) hahahahaha.

And I think that is the same rule that God applies in His relationship with you.

I don’t care about the abortions, the rapes, the abuse, the perversion, the etc. I don’t care. I just care about the rule regarding God and offenses and His relationship with you:There is no sin that God CANNOT forgive–except for the sin you don’t want forgiven.

Yeah, I know someone would want to quote Jesus by saying that the sin against the Holy Spirit can’t be forgiven. I agree. And that’s the balance to this rule. However, I doubt that you would ever want to and actually sin against the Holy Spirit.

Jesus says that the sin is to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. But what is it to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit? Hebrews 6:4-6, 10:29 answers the question. Oh, forgive me for being lazy to provide the scriptures for you here. Go check them out yourself.

Okay, back to the main gist. God expects us to forgive others 7×70 times a day over the same offence. What that means is that, God is also compelled to at least, forgive us 7×70 times over the same offense, a day, every day.

Nah, it’s not too real to be fake, it is true.

God loves you. See, the love God has for you is so dope that Paul prayed “may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, HOW WIDE, HOW LONG, HOW HIGH, and HOW DEEP His love is (for you). -Ephesians 3:18 NLT

In fact, in trying to explain to the Romans this love of God, Paul in Romans 8:38-39 NLT says “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow–not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.

Then Paul went further to say “no power in the sky above or in the earth below–indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” That’s why I added some lines to my Bible, under this verse to read “not women or money, fast cars or houses, pride or humility, fame or fortune, food or wine can ever separate me from God’s love.”

I get to find many young people who in the course of growing up or living their lives have done many crazy sex and relationship stuffs. Some have committed sexual offenses and some are too guilty, ashamed and even feel so horrible to ever share that their past livesw. But hey, God’s love is bigger than that sexual or romantic sin. God’s love doesn’t think about hell. In fact, it thinks of heaven; here first in this world, then in the world to come.

You’ve hurt, I know. You’ve sobbed, God knows. You’ve asked for forgiveness, I know. You’ve been remorseful, God knows. Now move ahead jare. Brace yourself up joor and be gallant in God’s love.

See ehn, David understood this and excitedly said in Psalms 32:5NLT; finally, I confessed all my sins to You and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the LORD.” And You forgave me! All my guilt is gone.” Did you know the next part I like in this David’s story? It is what he said in Verse 2: “Yes, what joy for those whose record the LORD has cleared of guilt, whose lives are lived in complete honesty!”

See dude, babe, God has cleared your record of guilt. It doesn’t make sense to still be guilty over what God has forgiven. Live in joy. See o, abegi, don’t try to convince me that what you did were very terrible. Don’t forget that people killed Jesus and yet He said Father forgive them for they know not what they do. What greater crime than theirs have you done? They killed the Son of God.

If God says He has forgiven you, He has. Stop making a big deal of a sin that God has no more record of. God forgives all sin (Psalm 103:3NLT).

Oh, forgive me for preaching at the Romance Cafe, that’s the job of our pastors of Praying Tuesday. But I am tired of people who can’t enjoy a new relationship and marriage just because they are holding on to some guilt of the past. Let it go joor. Abeg, let it go.

Though your sins are like scarlet, God will make them as white snow (Isaiah 1:18). Oh you may never have seen snow before. Okay, He would make it as white as cotton, whiter than your native chalk and the flesh of coconut. Even though they are red like crimson, God will make them white as wool.

What’s hard in that to believe? Stop allowing the devil fool you with lies. God demands that we forgive people 7×70 times a day over the same wrong. And you know the somewhat terrible part of this? We must forgive them even if they don’t apologize. Jeez!!! Why do you think God would do less in forgiving you?

Stop making your past wrong become bigger and more potent than the blood of Jesus and what He did from Gethsemane to the Throne room. Pleaseeeeee.

If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness (1John 1:8)…and the blood of Jesus, His son, cleanses us from all sin (1John 1:7). NLT

Once again, there is no sin that God cannot forgive–except for the sin you don’t want forgiven. Do you want the sin forgiven? Then be like the former prodigal son who came back home despite what he did to his father (Luke 15:11-32). He met his father waiting for him. In this story, we find “God” running for the first and only time all through the Bible. And He ran to a terrible “sinner”, hugged him, kissed him, changed his clothes, gave him a ring and threw him a party. Haba, talk you own na; na wetin you don really do? abegi, forget that thing

There is no sin that God cannot and will not forgive–except for the sin you don’t want forgiven. Don’t let some past guilt and shame or wrong make you lose out from what you can enjoy in this/next relationship. Just accept God’s love.

Do you want to accept the love and forgiveness which God has freely offered you through/in Jesus? Then pray: Dear God, I choose to accept and enjoy Your love and forgiveness and Zoe offered through Jesus Christ.

If you sincerely said that prayer, please contact us. Alright’s  Passion has something for you.

I pray that God will keep you sexually pure and blameless until Jesus returns. I pray that you’ll be able to face, handle, manage and win the sexual temptations you face daily. I pray that God will help you lead your emotions not to fall sexual prey to any one and you, yourself, won’t be a sexual predator.

I pray that your relationship and marriage will become more romantic. I pray that God will supply all the finance you need to romance. I pray that you’ll always be conscious of God’s love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, help and concern. May you be able to experience the depth, height, width, length, breadth etc of God’s love. All these I pray for you in Jesus’ name.

It is your relationship with Jesus that makes your romantic relationship sweet.

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